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Copper Ashes

Crystal Frog

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Commonly believed properties of Green Aventurine- Green aventurine is a crystal for grounding and stability. If you have a tendency to overthink or ruminate over situations and get stuck in your mind, green aventurine will help bring you back to your physical body and your connection to the Earth. It is also a great crystal if you’re suffering from digital burnout as a result of spending way too much time on your phone, tablet, or other device.

Commonly Believed Properties of Red Vein Jasper- Red Vein Jasper is believed to strengthen our circulatory system and to be beneficial to our blood and liver. It is thought to be good for general and non-specific aches and pains. It is also a valuable stone to keep around when we wish to detoxify our body.

Commonly believed properties of Obsidian-  Black Obsidian Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. This stone has powerful metaphysical properties that will help to shield you against negativity. The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy.

Commonly believed properties of Ruby Zoisite- Ruby Zoisite is a prized meditation stone. It possesses ultimate psychic abilities for allowing inter-dimensional travel and for people who practice astral projection. The alignment of the root, heart and third eye together allows for controlled, yet intense experiences filled with knowledge.

Commonly believed properties of Red Obsidian- Red Obsidian, also known as Mahogany Obsidian is wonderful at providing both grounding and protection, and encourages strength in time of need. It eliminates energetic blockages, relieves tension and helps to stimulate growth on all levels.

Commonly believed properties of Yooperlite- The yooperlite is a stone of truth and allows you to recognize and express objectively your feelings. Yooperlite releases anger and negative thoughts and helps fight your fears and phobias. It creates a clear and perceptive mind, able to find inner peace. Yooperlite stimulates self-acceptance and self-confidence.

Commonly believed properties of Orange Calcite- Orange Calcite is a naval chakra stone that gets positive energy in areas of sexuality and creative energy. Orange calcite is referred to as the “stone of the mind” as it heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and learning abilities. Calcite is a great stone to carry for students before taking an exam!

Commonly Believed Properties of Kiwi Jasper- Kiwi Jasper is a nurturing stone that aids us during times of stress. It helps keep us relaxed and tranquil by uplifting our spirit to a state of inner harmony. It absorbs negative energy and purifies our soul.

Commonly believed properties of Opalite- Opalite crystal is primarily associated with the crown and third eye chakras. The crown chakra connection enhances self-insight, intuition and psychic abilities. The third eye chakra connection further strengthens self-understanding, in addition to clarifying perceptions of the external world.

Commonly believed properties of Unakite Jasper- Unakite Jasper brings together the nurturing energy of green with the caring passion of pink in one. It gives off the frequency of love, compassion and kindness, and balances the emotional body.

Commonly believed properties of Amethyst- Amethyst is a powerful stone that has strong healing and cleansing powers. Amethyst is a natural tranquilizer, it relieves stress and strain, soothes irritability, balances mood swings, aids with anxiety by promoting core, stability, and calmness to the user.

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